What Is Solar Tinted Glass? How Solar Tint Improves Your Car!
When new car owners think window tinting, they often worry about their view becoming obstructed by darkened car windows.
Ultimately, they’re not entirely wrong but they’re not entirely right either. There are types of window films that have darker shades than most, but they’re not the only kind of window film available in today’s market.
Modern technology has paved the way for almost crystal clear car window tinting like solar window tint!
If you’re looking to get the most out of your car, you know that the right window tint can help make your ride more comfortable by blocking heat. But there are far more car glass tinting window film options to choose from than you might think.
In fact, some aren’t even films at all. For instance, solar tinted windows, it’s one option that does wonders for Phoenix AZ and Mesa drivers. But what is it exactly? And why do some people prefer it over car window tinting?
Today, we’ll be discussing how solar window tint can improve your vehicle but before anything else, let’s first answer the question; what is solar window tint.
What is solar window tinting?
A fairly new kind of film that can block up to 99% of UV radiation, solar window tints have both features great UV protection alongside solar heat reducing materials.
Solar tinted glass is exactly what its name suggests, glass with tinting materials built into its panes. Several car manufacturers install these types of glass on new makes and models to some degree.
But what makes it different from other window films that can reduce the same amount of heat and other harmful effects of overexposure is that it’s almost crystal clear. It ensures drivers that the quality of their view from their automotive window won’t change regardless of the driving condition.
If your local window tinting laws say you should keep your windshield clear but you still want to stave off some of your energy costs from air conditioning, this is the right tint for you!
What are the benefits of solar tint window films?
It can help improve your driving experience further by lessening the glare by up to 87%. The window film will help you save more by keeping your car cooler, lessening your need to use your air conditioner.
Furthermore, solar window films guarantee keeping you safe from skin cancer! As we’ve mentioned earlier, it blocks up to 99% of the harmful UV rays from the visible light that passes through your windows. As a matter of fact, even the American Academy of Dermatology highly recommends window tinting as one of the most effective ways to combat the disease.
Not to mention that the tint can help prolong the look of your upholstery! Another one of the most common factors behind the demand for car tinting is faded upholstery. Due to overexposure to direct slight, your seats will fade or crack in a few years.
And one great way of prolonging the life of your car’s interior is by protecting them!
How does solar tint improve your driving experience?
Aside from the normal features that car tinting adds to cars such as protection against sun damage as well as improved safety and security, solar films can upgrade your vehicles to a different level.
For one, its translucent appearance allows for your exterior to shine. The tinted glass won’t take the attention away from your great-looking paint job. And as we’ve mentioned earlier, the film’s UV blocking properties ensure your upholstery stays great looking!
And great-looking cars come at a great resale value! Should you decide to sell your beloved vehicle in the future, its value will be determined by its condition and state. If your car is not well-taken care of, there’s a high chance it won’t have a great price tag.
Keep in mind that when people buy cars, they look for units that they’re comfortable in. If your seats are cracked from the heat or the windows let in the full amount of sun and heat possible, it makes your car less tempting. With solar tint, your car will be more comfortable for anyone behind the wheel. This makes it more tempting for buyers.
But even if you’re trading it into a dealership, solar tint can help you get a better price. Your interior will be in better shape and show less wear and tear than other models of the same year. You’ll have peace of mind when it comes to your return on investment!
Does tinted glass block UV rays?
All glass blocks at least some UV rays. This means standard car glass can do at least a tiny bit to protect your skin and the car’s interior from the sun, but it’s not enough. The answer to the question, “does tinted glass block UV rays,” is a resounding yes!
You need to get solar tint glass that’s built for the purpose of being used as a protective UV window film!
Just investing in darkened panes of glass isn’t enough to keep the UV rays out. It’s a lot like wearing a t-shirt—you can still get a sunburn if you’re not wearing sunscreen, but it will take a lot longer than it would if you were out in a swimsuit. Unless your car glass is specifically designed to block UV rays, your skin and your car’s interior are at-risk for sun damage.
It’s important that you look for a window tint that can protect you from premature skin aging caused by too much exposure to direct sunlight! Not to mention that a proper solar window tint will help improve interior comfort during Arizona’s hot days!
Why should you choose a solar film?
Solar tint glass blocks up to 99 percent of the sun’s harmful UV rays. But it does it without the use of a solar tint. This means it’s more durable and can hold up to your daily driving conditions with ease.
Get your window film installed today
It’s always a good time to install solar tint window film on your vehicle if you’re around Phoenix, AZ. And if you want to add an extra layer of protection to your car, you can also check out paint protection film installation! Contact us today to schedule an appointment or to request more information.