Types of Car Window Tinting in AZ

Types of Car Window Tinting in AZ: What is the Difference between Window Tinting Percentages?

Car window tinting is vital for AZ vehicles and drivers for its multitude of benefits, ranging from heat and light protection to improved appearance and privacy. However, many Valley drivers are unaware of the differences between percentages of window tinting, or why one percentage might be more beneficial than another.

How Car Window Tinting is Calculated in AZ

When it comes to window tinting, lighter tints have higher percentages, while darker tints have lower percentages. The darkest tint available is 5%

Car window tinting for AZ automobiles is calculated using a formula for visible light transmission levels (VLT), which gives a percentage for how much visible light comes through the windows.

The VLT of your window with tint is found by multiplying the VLT of the tint by the VLT of the glass, taking into account that factory windows usually have a VLT of 80%. An example: 5% tint on 80% glass would have a VLT of 4% because 5% x 80% = (0.05 x 0.80) x 100 = 4%.

Legally Dark Car Window Tinting for AZ Vehicles

State regulations dictate that the car window tinting on your AZ vehicle must allow more than 33% of light in through the front side windows. Rear and back side windows can have any percentage of tint if you have dual side mirrors.

Legal Reflectiveness of Car Window Tinting in AZ

Non-reflective tint is allowed above the manufacturer’s AS-1 line. All tinted windows on your automobile must not be more than 35% reflective.

The type of car window tinting you choose for your AZ vehicle will depend on legal requirements, benefits, durability, and aesthetics.

Trust Your Car Window Tinting to the AZ Auto Experts at Smartfilm AZ!

Contact us today to learn more about our car window tinting services for AZ customers, as well as other services we provide for our Valley customers.

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