how to tint windows on car

How to Tint Car Windows: A Step by Step Guide

When car owners think about improving their cars, they often think about getting their windows tinted. Car window tinting helps car owners like yourself keep their vehicles cool and maintain their upholstery in great shape. Hence, it should come as no surprise that most people choose to take their cars for a window tint job…

how much does car tinting cost

Car Tint Prices And How to Find Car Tinting Deals Near You

Auto window tinting makes your car more drivable and helps stave off that insane Arizona summer heat. It has become a common practice as more and more car owners start to see the benefits of car tinting. As the need for it grew, so did its cost.  Prices vary depending on the type of vehicle, kind…

uv window film residential

7 Health Benefits of UV Window Film for Residential Buildings

When it comes to your health, you know that eating right and exercising are key in staying healthy. But did you know that your skin needs just as much attention? Unfortunately, many homeowners think they’re safe from UV exposure inside their homes. After all, glass blocks most of the sun’s UV rays, right? What if…

car window tinting prices

Common Misconceptions About Car Window Tinting Prices

In this article we will discuss the misconceptions about car window tinting prices. You know auto window tinting is a great way to protect your car and keep your passengers comfortable. You might even be ready to invest in some quality tinting film. But before you do, you need to make sure you’re getting what…

mercedes benz window tint cost

What Are The Best Mercedes Tint Options And How Much Does Mercedes Benz Window Tint Cost in AZ

Getting your car’s windows tinted with a high-quality window tinting film is one of the best things you can do in Arizona. But for many people, the thought of investing in a window tinting job can be daunting at best, especially if they’re not sure how much it’s going to cost. The best way to…

window tinting on car

Can Street Smart Window Tinting on Cars Prevent Break Ins?

According to the Smartfilm AZ team, street smart window tinting is becoming more and more important. No one ever expects that they’ll be the victim of a car crime. But the unfortunate fact is that car theft and vandalism are things that do happen. In 2016, there were over 13,000 incidents of car theft in…