Important Reasons Why You Need Window Frosting

Important Reasons Why You Need Window Frosting

Perhaps most people are now aware of the many benefits of window tinting. It slashes your energy costs, protects your furnishings and furniture from harmful UV rays, and eliminates too much radiation from your computer and TV screens. These are all great reasons to get window tinting and or window frosting, especially in an office…

4 Main Factors to Consider in Your Home Window Tint Film

4 Main Factors to Consider in Your Home Window Tint Film

A home window tint film installation is available in several different shades and outward appearance, for instance, mirrored, metallic, reflective, or even flat. Choosing the right tinting shade for your window is not just about the amount of light you want to let in. At Smartfilm we also consider other technical aspects such as room…

How Automotive Window Tint Actually Works On Your Car

How Automotive Window Tint Actually Works On Your Car

For fairly new car owners, taking care of their ride is their utmost priority. They go around looking for quality products that can help them preserve the brand-new condition their vehicles came in. But despite this great urge, most drivers are smart about the way they spend their hard-earned money — after all, they just…

How to Find the Best Window Tint Film For Your Vehicle

How to Find the Best Window Tint Film For Your Vehicle

Though the process of window tinting may seem like an easy task, the variety of the different types of window tint film available can be pretty overwhelming — especially for relatively newer car owners. While it may be true that most types of window tints are made for the purpose of protecting vehicles from heat…

7 Signs of a Bad Car Tint Installation That Needs Replacing

7 Signs of a Bad Car Tint Installation That Needs Replacing

Most car owners would probably agree that getting the best window tint is a priority car upgrade. Despite the price that comes with car window tinting, it is a fact that its benefits justify its seemingly high price. Hence, vehicle owners rarely second-guess about getting a car tint installation. Aside from looking posh and cool,…

Storm-proofing Your Home: Security Film For Windows

Storm-proofing Your Home: Security Film For Windows

One thing that’s becoming essential for homeowners is security film for their windows. During the month of October in the year 2010, an atypical series of severe thunderstorms rattled Arizona. Extreme tornadoes went across the state, resulting in billion-dollar damages. Over one hundred commercial buildings were destroyed and thousands of automobiles and homes were damaged…

Stylish Yet Effective Ways to Use Privacy Film

Stylish Yet Effective Ways to Use Privacy Film

Over the recent years, large scale windows have become the norm for several homes around the world. It creates a great open feeling to the interior plus helps houses become more energy efficient! Unfortunately, despite its several benefits, some people believe it leaves them feeling more vulnerable to break ins and theft. With the growing…